Mycoforum 2024

Orihuela del Tremedal (Teruel)

Regenerative mycotourism offers multiple possibilities both for rural development and for improving the knowledge and conservation of forests and fungi.

During MYCOFORUM 2024 we will show you the latest innovations related to Mycological Parks and the enhancement of their mycological resources. We will enjoy guided excursions to the Mycological Park of the Community of Albarracín, a mycological exhibition with freshly collected mushrooms in the environment, workshops on how to preserve and manipulate mushrooms in the kitchen, round tables, specialized talks and, in addition, we will present for the first time the Brand “Mushrooms of Origin Sierra de Albarracín” together with the Association of Mushroom Pickers of the province of Teruel.

The Mycological Park of the Community of Albarracín offers you a unique regenerative mycotourism experience: Discover and enjoy its mycological treasures in a unique natural environment with the help of “mycotourism guides” trained thanks to the Fungalia project to teach you to know new species of mushrooms, how to avoid confusion, how, where and when to collect them and also how to help their conservation by knowing their ecology and collaborating with citizen science.

We have the support of recognized experts and scientists, as well as the collaboration of the Mycological Association of Teruel and the European Mycological Institute (EMI).

Your participation and opinion is important, we look forward to seeing you at Mycoforum 2024.

Living-Lab for the improvement of mycotourism in rural areas

October 26th and 27th, 2024.
Orihuela del Tremedal (Teruel).


Practices of the Mycological Counselors course (only for students).

  • Coord. Javier Marcos, Professor Fungalia course.


Inauguration of the Exhibition and Educational Mushroom Market of the Mycological Park of the Community of Albarracín (free entrance until full capacity is reached).

  • Coord. Miguel Gimeno Asociación Recolectores Silvestres de los Montes de Teruel – Sylvesterra (Market) and Pedro Blanco Asociación Micológica de Teruel (Exhibition)


Mycoexperiential excursion to the Mycological Park of the Community of Albarracín and the Mycological Observatory Silvalia. Departure and return by bus from the Residence. Small groups under registration.

  • Coord. Javier Marcos.
    Professor of Fungalia course. EMI and Rubén Escribano Gil de Gómez.


Lunch at the Residencia de Tiempo Libre de Orihuela del Tremedal (Teruel).
Reservation required.


Practical exam for the Mycological Counselors course (only for students).

  • Coord. Javier Marcos.
    Professor of Fungalia course.


Presentation of the Fungalia Project.
Alliance for mycological co-innovation as an engine for rural development in the face of the demographic challenge.
(free entrance until full capacity is reached).

  • Fernando Martínez Peña. CITA. Government of Aragón


Round Table 1: Management and valorization of the mycological resource: International Network of FFF Mycological Parks.

  • Coord. Fernando Martínez Peña. CITA. Government of Aragón.
  • Ana Oliván.
    General Director of Forest Management. Government of Aragón.
  • Victoriano Jordán Codes.
    President of the Community of Albarracín.
  • Pedro Aparicio. Secretary of MicoAragón.
  • Alba Lucea.
    Mycological territory of Mosqueruela.

  • Ricardo Forcadell. Qilex Forest Consulting.


Coffee break.


Round Table 2: Mycotourism innovation in rural areas.

  • Coord: Joaquin Latorre Minguell. European Mycological Institute (EMI).
  • María José Meda.
    Michelin star restaurant El Batán.
  • Noelia Gómez Gil. Biosphere, active tourism. Soria.

  • Chema Paraled.
    Two Spheres communication.
  • Pablo de Frutos Madrazo. University of Valladolid.


Workshop on “How to create my business model as a Mycological Counselor”.
(Only for students).

  • Luz López.
    Strategy & Innovation Leader.


Dinner and overnight stay at the Residencia de Tiempo Libre de Orihuela del Tremedal.
Reservation required.


Theoretical exam for the Mycological Counselors course (only for students).

  • Coord. Javier Marcos. Fungalia Project.


Opening of the Exhibition and Educational Mushroom Market of the Mycological Park of the Community of Albarracín (free entrance until full capacity).

  • Coord. Miguel Gimeno Asociación Recolectores Silvestres de los Montes de Teruel – Sylvesterra (Market) and Pedro Blanco Asociación Micológica de Teruel (Exhibition).


Workshop on handling and use of mushrooms in the kitchen.
(Free admission until full capacity is reached)

  • Laura Mateo Vivaracho. European Mycological Institute (EMI).


Coffee break.


Round Table 3: Agri-food innovation based on mycological resources.

  • Coord: María Martín Santafé. CITA. Government of Aragón.
  • Adrián Serrano.
    Culturfungi Project.
  • Neftalí Velilla.
    Truficas del Río Pilas.
  • Miguel Gimeno. Asociación Recolectores Silvestres de los Montes de Teruel – Sylvesterra.
  • Marta Corella.
    Project “From the Forest to your home”.



Javier Marcos
Professor Fungalia course. European Mycological Institute (EMI)

Miguel Gimeno
Association of Wild Harvesters of the Mountains of Teruel – Sylvesterra

Pedro Blanco Mycological Association of Teruel

Rubén Escribano Gil de Gómez

Fernando Martínez Peña
CITA, Aragón

Ana Oliván
Director General of Forest Management. Government of Aragón

Victoriano Jordán Codes
President Community of Albarracín

Pedro Aparicio
Secretary of MicoAragón

Alba Lucea
Territorio micológico de Mosqueruela

Ricardo Forcadell
Qilex Consulting
Forestry, Teruel

Joaquín Latorre Minguell
European Mycological Institute (EMI).

María José Meda
El Batán Restaurant (Tramacastilla)

Noelia Gómez Gil
Biosphere, active tourism. Soria

Adrian Serrano
Culturfungi Project. Atades-Gardeniers

Neftali Velilla
Truffles of the Pilas River.
Mora de Rubielos

Chema Paraled
Dos Esferas comunicación

Marta Corella
Project “From the Forest to your home.”

Luz López
Strategy & Innovation Leader

Laura Mateo Vivaracho
European Mycological Institute (EMI)

María Martín Santafé
CITA. Government of Aragón

Pablo de Frutos Madrazo
University of Valladolid


Registration Excursion to the Mycological Park of the Community of Albarracín

  • Saturday, October 26, 2024
  • 12:15 to 1:45 p.m.
  • Departure and return by bus from the Residence
Do you have children in your care who will be participating in the excursion? *
Do you authorize the organization to use photographs and/or videos recorded during the event in which the person concerned or minors in his/her care may appear for non-commercial or non-profit communication purposes? *

Fields and/or boxes marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Registration Excursion to the Mycological Park of the Community of Albarracín

  • Saturday, October 26, 2024
  • 12:15 to 1:45 p.m.
  • Departure and return by bus from the Residence
Do you have children in your care who will be participating in the excursion? *
Do you authorize the organization to use photographs and/or videos recorded during the event in which the person concerned or minors in his/her care may appear for non-commercial or non-profit communication purposes? *

Fields and/or boxes marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

How to get there
